Accent Home Inspection provides comprehensive home inspection and consulting services for various types of dwellings, including single and multi-family homes, townhouses, condos etc.
Our inspection starts with the exterior grounds and the building envelope (roof, chimney, drainage, siding, windows, decks, etc), then the garage and the basement (foundations, moisture issues, etc). We examine the structure and the systems (plumbing, electrical, heating, A/C) and then all the interiors (kitchen, bathrooms, doors, lights, floors, etc). We visually inspect all the readily and safely accessible systems and components of the home (we may not go into tight crawl spaces or climb to heights greater than 12'). Deficiencies and concerns are clearly communicated and explained to the clients. A detailed report with photos, explanations, and recommendations is written back in the office, not on site, so we can dedicate all our time and attention to checking the house and talking to the clients.
Visual examination of the exterior grounds, building envelope, structure, doors and windows, kitchens and bathrooms, interior finishes etc. Basic inspection of plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems; detailed report.
Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas which is sometimes present in buildings.
We cannot sense radon, testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk.
We offer two types of radon testing:
1. Charcoal test kits (prepaid by the inspector), that are exposed for 48 hours, picked up by the buyer’s agent and mailed to the lab. Results (average level) are emailed to the client 2-3 days later.
2. Continuous radon monitor, an electronic device which samples the air for 48 hours and is picked up by the inspector. Results (detailed graph) are emailed to the client promptly after the monitor is picked up.
The WDI inspection checks for infestations, evidence of past treatment and damage by wood-destroying insects including termites, carpenter bees, carpenter ants and powder post beetles.
Ron is a Wood Destroying Insect Registry Inspector with the New England Pest Management Association. Findings and recommendations can be documented in the report or on the official NPMA-33 form if needed.

Pricing varies based on the property type, age, size, complexity and location. Fees may be slightly higher on weekends and holidays. Please contact us to receive a quote.
Condo inspections start at $580
Single-family homes start at $700
Two-family homes start at $840
Radon testing: $90 with carbon vials (mailed to the lab)
$240 with an electronic monitor (deployed by the inspector)
Pest / Termite inspection: $80
Water quality test strip: $20
Cancellation or rescheduling:
If you need to cancel or reschedule your inspection, please notify us as early as possible.
Otherwise, the inspector may lose a day of work with little chance of booking another job for that day.
Pricing varies based on the property type, age, size, complexity and location.
Fees are slightly higher on weekends and holidays. Outbuildings or special
considerations also affect the price. Please contact us to get a quote.

The strip tests for Total Hardness, Chlorine, Lead, Copper, Iron, MPS, Fluoride, Cyanuric Acid, Carbonate, Total Alkalinity, QAC, pH
We are based in Chestnut Hill and serve all communities in the Greater Boston area. Service is available in farther locations, with additional travel fee.